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Posted in By tracy 0 comments

It has been such a long time since I wrote on my blog or did a video. Why, you might ask, was I gone so long. I have had a lot of trials and tribulations come up. It started late last year. My nephew found out he had testicular cancer and they had to do surgery to remove the tumor. Then he did a series of chemo treatments. In the middle of this we had a major house fire. In fact we lost everything. It happened Jan 23rd. I received a call from my son saying something was wrong at the house and I needed to leave work and go check on it. It took my son a few minutes to convince me to leave work and go home. Upon arriving at him there were 9 different fire departments at my townhouse. Since I live in a row of 6 town houses there was a need for that many firemen. My house and the neighbor to the left of me were hit the hardest. It started in between our two places in an outlet we never used until after Christmas 2011. I can handle losing my clothes, and various personal items, even all of my scrappy supplies. What I could not handle is losing my 2 boston terriers. My dogs were in the house and unfortunately they did not survive. Blue and riley were found a little too late. it has been almost 6 months and I still cry over them. I am happy to say that I have started to replenish my scrappy supplies. Not nearly what I had before. Maybe just maybe what I had before was too much. We are still not back in our house. I am hoping by fall the house will be ready for us. We are not sure though. There is a lot of red tape and several insurance companies involved since the fire affected all 6 houses of varying degrees. Of course that is not the end a month or two after the house fire I ended up with a major case of bronchitis which lasted bout a month. I am happy to say that my health is good and I am back to scrapping. Thank you everyone for reading my post and sharing your videos. With those videos I am not sure if I would have ever come back to scrapbooking. Hugs and happy scrappy wishes


Posted in By tracy 0 comments

I am popping in to say hi. It has been a long week at work and now I am off. I am going to be working on some cards tomorrow. I cannot wait to get in a the last few copies I need to color my images for my cards. They should be here in a few days. I can color my images and post some cards for you gals to see. It is cold outside. Definitely a midwest winter. I am planning on selling my cards this summer to help[ feed my habit and reduce some of my stash. It is a double win. I am hoping they sell. I want someone else to enjoy my hard work. I am also hoping to work on making my blog a little more enjoyable to look at. Thank you all for stopping by. I hope to have some photos real soon for you. Hugs and best scrappy wishes
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