This is coming along
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Hello everyone. I am not sure if I have stated this before but this is sort of a disclaimer. I am in no way, shape or form a computer or techie person. I get by but barely. I have been working hard at updating this blog and make it more show worthy and appealing. I am also trying to get the hang of youtube videos. Both are a slow but steady process. The end result will be better videos and a blog site that I am happy and proud to share with others. I chose the name amber-rose because it has a lot of meaning. The main reason I chose this name is for my grandfather. His middle name was ambrose. I took the name apart and made it my own while keeping his name in it. I loved my grandfather very much and this is sort of my way of keeping him around me. The other reason why I chose this name is because to me an amber colored rose is a vintage rose. I think of it as the aged and tattered rose that may be a little weathered. The rose that once was bright yellow, orange, or red but is now faded a bit and it amber in color. It is a rose that has stood the test of time and could tell you many stories if only it could talk. LIke all of us in scrapbooking the amber rose has many stories to tell. Well I am here to tell those stories of my life. I have stood the test of time like my ancestors before me and I am not only telling my story but theirs as well, for they are no longer here to tell the stories themselves. So this blog is not just for me but for the many men and women in my family who can no longer be heard in their own voice but trust me to tell their stories and pass them on to other generations. I am the amber rose's voice. I do hope you come back and visit to look at my layouts and read the stories of my family, present and past. Thank you so much for stopping by.
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